Thursday, March 31, 2011

How I Caused an International Incident...

I worry! - A lot!

My kids can tell you that I worry about them the most.  If I come home, and one of the kids is not there, even though they were supposed to be – I don't just worry, I flip. 

Truth be told, my first instinct is to call 911.  I don’t -  because calling 911 when your kids are 5 minutes late  or went to the store without telling you – is insane, but just between you and me, that's what I'd like to do.

So instead, I text them (just to find out that they left their cell phone at home) then visit the neighbors (to the kids' utter emberrassment) and call everyone I know to inquire about their whereabouts. 
By the way, my kids are 17 and 20 – young adults - not 2 and 5…..

But I digress....

Recently, I have found something new to worry about - my parents.  They are getting up there in age and we've had several close calls in the last year.  Unfortunately, my parents live an ocean away from me - so I worry long distance.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Eating in: Pizza

My son asked for pizza the other night.   I don't like ordering pizza. It's just too expensive - and I don't see what a meal that was invented to use up the leftovers in a kitchen should all a sudden cost $20 .

For me, it's back to basics - and leftovers....

This time I was trying a recipe I had found on King Arthur Flour a while back:

It was late when I started making it, but I told my son that it would only take about an hour to make, so it would not be much longer than what it would take for a delivery to get here.

Unfortunately, I didn't read the full recipe before I made that promise...  This recipe calls for 2 (count them - 2) 90 minute rises. So this will take longer than your standard delivery time.

Needless to say, my kids were less than amused when I figured that out at 8 PM....

Luckily, King Arthur Flour has another pizza crust recipe:

We had the "now or later pizza" that night.

We had the other one the next day - and it was good!  It had a nice thick crust reminiscent of restaurant pizza.  And, if you like a pizza dough that tastes slightly yeasty, this is the pizza crust for you.

Sorry, no pictures.  The pizza was gone before I got a chance to take pictures.

Monday, March 21, 2011


This post was inspired by the post "Why Making Your Own French Baguette Is Empowering" on the Cook's Corner blog.

I have been wanting to make a decent baguette for years.  I can make a mean loaf of bread in the breadmaker, and I made a reasonably good roll following my Mom's recipe, but baking a baguette is one of those skills that still eludes me.

The above blog post got me closer than I have ever been by linking me to the King Arthur Flour baguette making blog entry as well as the recipe entry.

So I tried my hands at baguette, yet again.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hobbies: Reading

I love to read - always have.

As soon as I figured out in grade school that strings of letters made words, I was hooked.  I read everything I could get my hands on - and I mean everything!

Friday, March 18, 2011

40 bags in 40 days: Magazines - Check!

Done with the magazines!

Here is what I am left with:

A small stack of magazines to keep...

And a big box of magazines - to go!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Organized Home: Spicy Legos

I am still working on the 40 bags in 40 days challenge, but I am finding that I am organizing more than I am throwing away.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Use it - and lose it....

There is a part of me, that would like to hold on to things forever. I have been guilty of keeping "special" things put up so that nothing may happen to them.

A while back, I read a story about a woman, who kept a pair of lingerie (I believe) for a special occasion.  She never wore it, because no occasion was deemed special enough.  In the end, her husband found the item in the dresser - unused - after the woman died.  I don't remember, if it was an accident or cancer.  (I tried googling the story, but a search for "woman's special panties" or "dead woman's panties" does not yield anything appropriate for this blog....)  The husband ended up burying her in her special lingerie.

I could be that woman.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

40 bags in 40 days

I was reading other people's blogs the other day, and I came across this 40 bags in 40 days challenge from Clover Lane.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Signs of Spring! Finally!!!

The first spring flowers are in bloom.  Finally!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Taste of Home: Kartoffelsuppe (potato soup)

Turns out, I love cooking.  However, the best part of cooking is when other people eat - and like (!) the food you make. 

The other day I made Dampfnudel and brought them in to work.  There are a few typical side dishes that are served with Dampfnudel: Vanillesosse (vanilla sauce), Weinschaumcreme (zabaglione(?)) or potato soup.  Since I prefer savory dishes over sweet ones, I made the potato soup to go along with it.   After tasting it, several of my work colleagues asked for the soup recipe.

So today, it's nothing fancy, just a basic potato soup, that ended up being (almost) vegetarian, but does not have to be.  

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Internet Recipe Misadventures

When I am looking for  German recipe, my first stop usually is my trusted Dr. Oetker Kochbuch, a cookbook I brought with me from Germany in the 80s.  If I can't find it there, I search for it on the Internet. Usually, I compare and contrast several versions of the recipe before I attempt to cook the dish myself.

One of the German recipes I had been meaning to make was Schupfnudeln, a rolled noodle made from a potato-based dough.  Where I come from, they're actually called Buwespitzle - and I am not going to translate that word since my blog may be flagged as "adult", if I do....

At any rate, since Dr. Oetker failed me for this dish, I searched for - and found - a recipe on the Internet. It sounded simple enough, so I skipped the comparison step.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Picture Perfect: Training for the Circus?

This one is for my friend Laura from Simplifying in the South.  Not too long ago, she posted a picture as part of her "Random Thursday" collection.  I've been meaning to dig up this picture ever since.

One of these days. I will get my hands on a scanner, but in the meantime, it'll just be picture in picture.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Taste of Home: Koeniginpastetchen

Another one of my favorite foods growing up was Königin-Pastetchen with chicken fricasee.

Since I didn't know if I could find the pastries in the US, I imported them from Germany.